Computer Science, asked by somus6200, 16 days ago

write any four types of operators with examples​


Answered by sruthi728


hope it useful means mark as brainlist please.


Operators are the basic concept of any programming language, used to build a foundation in programming for freshers. Operators can be defined as basic symbols that help us work on logical and mathematical operations

Arithmetic Operators

(Addition) – This operator is used to add two operands.

– (Subtraction) – Subtract two operands.

* (Multiplication) – Multiply two operands.

/ (Division) – Divide two operands and gives the quotient as the answer.

% (Modulus operation) – Find the remains of two integers and gives the remainder after the division.

++ (Increment) – Used to increment an operand.

— (Decrement) – Used to decrement an operand.

Relational Operators

== (Equal to)– This operator is used to check if both operands are equal.

!=  (Not equal to)– Can check if both operands are not equal.

> (Greater than)– Can check if the first operand is greater than the second.

< (Less than)- Can check if the first operand is lesser than the second.

>=  (Greater than equal to)– Check if the first operand is greater than or equal to the second.

<= (Less than equal to)– Check if the first operand is lesser than or equal to the second

Logical Operators

&& (AND) – It is used to check if both the operands are true.

|| (OR) – These operators are used to check if at least one of the operand is true.

! (NOT) – Used to check if the operand is false

Assignment Operators

=  (Assignment)- Used to assign a value from right side operand to left side operand.

+= (Addition Assignment)- To store the sum of both the operands to the left side operand.

-= (Subtraction Assignment) – To store the difference of both the operands to the left side operand.

*= (Multiplication Assignment) – To store the product of both the operands to the left side operand.

/= (Division Assignment) – To store the division of both the operands to the left side operand.

%= (Remainder Assignment) – To store the remainder of both the operands to the left side operand

Answered by vibhadeshmukh2207

1.Logical Operator

2.Relational operator

3.Betwise operator

4.Assigment Operators



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