write any one of the following (400 words)
a) Argumentative/discursive writing
b) Descriptive writing
c) Narrative writing
I’d love to introduce paper and printing to ancient Rome.
I think I actually have enough personal knowledge of both of those processes to be able to introduce them, even if my Latin is in sore need of improvement.
Ancient Rome had a technology level I could adjust to easily enough.
And if I could introduce printing on paper to the Librarian at Alexandria, before the fire, copies could be made and branch libraries opened all over the Empire.
I would expect a technological boom shortly afterwards, as people separated by miles could exchange ideas and be influenced by others’ advances.
Imagine what a game changer just publishing an Empire-wide newspaper could be.
Too bad I have no idea how to build a radio transmitter or receiver.
I do know about batteries and generating electricity though.
I might be able to re-invent the telegraph, or something similar.
The Romans had everything they needed to make steam engines work, except for high pressure tanks, so I could help them make low pressure steam engines until a Roman engineer develops a high pressure tank.
Necessity is the mother of invention, and information is the father.
Hope this will help you .
mark as brainliest if you are satisfied.
thank you.