Write any one palaentological evidence of organic evolution.
Evidence of Evolution
We can broadly group the evidence of evolution into 5 broad categories:
Relationship between organisms
Anatomy and morphology
Homologous Organs
Analogous Organs
Vestigial Organs
Paleontology (study of fossils)
Let’s look at each of this evidence of evolution a little more in detail.
Relationship Between Organisms
The theory of evolution says that all organisms alive today have originated from a single ancestor. There are many similarities to prove these common origins:
All organisms are made up of cells.
The structure and functioning of individual organelles of cells remain the same in all organisms except with a few variations.
Cells of the same kind and function form tissues in all organisms.
All organisms grow, reproduce and multiply.
All organisms are able to perform metabolism and generate energy to be able to live and thrive.