write any six importance of forest resources.write step by step.
In addition to the supply of clean water and air, these services include numerous indispensable products, including wood (construction, furniture, paper, energy, etc.), resins, fruits, honey, ingredients for medicines, cosmetics, detergents to name just a few. They also have a role to play in tourism.
. The most important function of forests is that it produces mass amounts of oxygen as a by-product of photosynthesis. Oxygen is the main respiratory gas for all animals, it ensures our survival.
. And while photosynthesis, trees also absorb carbon dioxide from the air. This is one of the main pollutants of air pollution. Hence forests also reduce air pollution.
. Forests also prevent soil erosion and keep soil pollution in check. Deforestation, in fact, leads to soil erosion on a large scale since the topsoil comes loose.
. Forests also play an important part in the water cycle and control moisture levels of our ecosystem.
. And finally, forests are the natural home and habitat for millions of species of animals, birds, and insects