Social Sciences, asked by tannuyadav2532007, 8 months ago

write any three advantage. and disadvantage of fire wood.​


Answered by Flaunt




Advantages of fire wood :

  1. Firewood is local fuel source used for combustion.It is easily available without making any cost.
  2. There is no need of transporting such as long pipelines ,tunnel like systems for transportation so ,here transportation cost is save.
  3. It can be used or burn in any situation
  4. It is in abundant quantity as compare to other fuel such as petrol,crude oil etc

Disadvantages of firewood:

  1. Main disadvantage is that while burning it releases a lot of smoke which is hazardous for health.
  2. It also releases most harmful substance 'carbon monoxide'which is very hazardous for human health.
  3. It leads to deforestation as people get firewood through by cutting of tress.
  4. It releases carbon particles into the environment which is harmful for human being and create a problem like 'asthma'
Answered by Anonymous


Firewood is the most cost effective fuel for domestic heating (Research Institute of Sustainable Energy). Firewood has shown to be 6x more economic than electric heat, 5x more economic than gas heat and 4x more economic than oil. Put an end to our dependence on foreign oil.

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