Physics, asked by pihupriti, 10 months ago

write any three assumption in kinetic theory og gas ?​


Answered by arpita8137

The simplest kinetic model is based on the assumptions that: (1) the gas is composed of a large number of identical molecules moving in random directions, separated by distances that are large compared with their size; (2)the molecules undergo perfectly elastic collisions (no energy loss) with each other.


Answered by seenu001

Assumption in KTG(kinetic theory of gas) :-

1) All gases consist of molecules which are considered at rigid, perfectly elastic, solid sphere, their molecules are extremely small. the volume occupied by the molecules of gas is taken negligible as compared to volume of containing vessels.

2) The molecule are in continuous random motion. they are moving in all directions with all possible velocities. there is no particular direction of motion of particles.

3) molecule travel in straight line with a uniform velocity in between the collision the average distance travelled by the molecules between successive collisions is called a mean free path of molecule. the time spent during a collision is assumed to be negligibly small as compared with the time taken by the molecule in transversing a mean free path.


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