write any two advantages of organic forming
The nutritional value of food is largely a function of its vitamin and mineral content. Besides organic farming does not affect soil ecosystem.
2)poison free
A major benefit to consumers of organic food is that it doesn't contain any kind of toxic chemicals loke pesticides, fungicides and herbicides.
According to a survey by the New South Wales Central Cancer Registry, in new south wales the new cases of cancer has risen 50% in just 32 years.
3)Food quality
Humans can taste the food they ingest. organically grown food tastes better than that conventionally grown. The tastiness of fruit and vegetables is directly related to its sugar content. Besides organic foods can be stored longer.
1)Disease and Pest Resistance
Organically cultivated foods have more resistance than normally cultivated food.
Organic foods usually dont get affected by pests.
2)Lower Input Costs
By definition, organic farming does not incur the use of expensive agrichemicals. The greater resistance of their crops to pests and the diseases save farmers significantly in expensive insecticides, fungicides and other pesticides.
Fertilizers are either created in situ by green manuring and leguminous crop rotation or on-farm via composting and worm farming. Biodynamic farmers use a low cost microbial solution sprayed onto their crops.
3)Drought Resistance
Organically grown plants are more drought tolerant. chemical fertilizer is soluble, plants are forced to imbibe it every time they are thirsty for water. They can and do enjoy good growth as long as water is readily available. As soon as water becomes limited, however, the soluble nutrient salts in the cells of chemically fed plants are unable to osmotically draw sufficient water to maintain safe dilution. They soon reach toxic concentrations, and the plant stops growing. So organic foods are better to cultivate in drought affected areas.
healthier farm workers.
it can slow down global warming.