Social Sciences, asked by gathamakwana, 1 year ago

Write any two demarits of green revolution?


Answered by Anonymous


lose of soil fertility. due to increase use of fertilisers ..

continuous use of water for irrigation leads the ground water level decreaes

Answered by madoogagana


Green Revolution is a unique event in the agricultural history of Independent India. This has saved us from the disasters of hunger and starvation and made our peasants more confident than ever before. But it has its own inherent deficiency segments.


Ever since its inception, the income gap between large, marginal and small farmers has increased, gap between irrigated and rainfed areas has widened and some crops have benefited more than the others, sometimes even at the cost of other crops.

It is neither product-neutral nor region-neutral and leaves uneven effects of growth on products, regions and classes of people. This has given birth to a plethora of socio-economic problems. According to Radha Krishna Rao, “The spiraling prices of fertilizers, the tendency to use them frequently and the stagnant wheat and rice yields in Punjab and Haryana have combined to confirm, that Green Revolution has reached ripened old age”.

The fatigue of the Green Revolution is already visible. Still the main lacuna in the Green Revolution is that up till now it is an unfinished task. Some of the demerits or problems of Green Revolution are briefly discussed as under:

1. Inter-Crop Imbalances:

The effect of Green Revolution is primarily felt on food-grains. Although all food-grains including wheat, rice, jowar, bajra and maize have gained from the Green Revolution, it is wheat which has benefited the most. It has wrested areas from coarse cereals, pulses and oilseeds. The HYV seeds in latter crops have either not been developed so far at all, or they are not good enough for farmers to risk their adoption.


Consequently, their cultivation is fast becoming uneconomic and they are often given up in favour of wheat or even rice. The result is that an excess of production in two main food-grains (wheat and rice) and shortages in most others today prevail side by side.

Major commercial crops like cotton, jute, tea and sugarcane are also almost untouched by the Green Revolution. The rate of growth in production of pulses has declined from 1-39 per cent per annum in the pre-Green Revolution period to only 0–79 per cent per annum during the period from 1967-68 to 1994-95. This is not good for a balanced growth of Indian agriculture. Central Government has taken some steps to remove these imbalances.

2. Regional Disparities:

Green Revolution technology has given birth to growing disparities in economic development at interred and intra regional levels. It has so far affected only 40 per cent of the total cropped area and 60 per cent is still untouched by it. The most affected areas are Punjab, Haryana and western Uttar Pradesh in the north and Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu in the south.


It has hardly touched the Eastern region, including Assam, Bihar, West Bengal and Orissa and arid and semi-arid areas of Western and Southern India. In short, Green Revolution affected only those areas which were already better placed from agricultural point of view. Thus the problem of regional disparities has further aggravated as a result of Green Revolution.

The ratio between the lowest and highest yield- rates among the states for the 1975-78 period amounted to 1: 3.2 in paddy, 1 : 3.7 in wheat, 1 : 3.4 in cereals, 1 : 3.2 in pulses, 1 : 3.2 in food grains, 1 : 3.0 in oilseeds, 1: 3.2 in sugarcane, 1 : 4.9 in cotton and 1 : 1.6 in jute. Study of some sample surveys recently conducted by the Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute (IASRI) revealed that the single most important factor is the ‘input differential which alone can explain extreme yield variations even under similar physical and cultural conditions.

According to a study by Bhalla and Alagh, 69 districts with a relatively high productivity levels account for 20 per cent of the cultivated area and 36 per cent of output, consume 44 per cent of fertilizers, employ 50 per cent of tractors and 45 per cent of irrigation pumps and have 38 per cent of India’s gross irrigated area.

Regional disparities in crop yields can be reduced by evolving suitable disease resistant high-yield strains of paddy for most eastern parts and by developing irrigation facilities and a suitable dry farming technology for the arid and semi-arid western and southern regions.

3. Increase in Inter-Personal Inequalities:


It has been observed that it is the big farmer having 10 hectares or more land, who is benefited the most from Green Revolution because he has the financial resources to purchase farm implements, better seeds, fertilizers and can arrange for regular

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