write any two ways to prevent wastage of food
Know what’s in your fridge, freezer and cupboards. Make sure you follow storage instructions and keep an eye on use-by dates.
The ‘Use By’ date indicates how long your food should keep safely if the storage instructions are followed. You should not buy or consume food when the ‘Use By’ date has expired and it is illegal to sell food with an expired ‘Use By’ date. However, check to see if the food can be frozen before it’s ‘Use By’ date if you need to eat it at a later date.
The ‘Best Before’ date is different, it indicates when the quality of the product may begin to change. It is not a safety issue. Food can be sold beyond its ‘Best Before’ date provided it is still fit for consumption. One exception is eggs – never eat eggs after the ‘best before’ date.
2. Manage your portionsPlenty of food is thrown out because too much is cooked. Are you getting your portions right? Look online for advice on portions or experiment with portions and keep a note of what amount is best to use. If you cook too much don’t throw it out. It can be used to make delicious left-over meals.
Take as much food as u can eat.