English, asked by mailudaybhati, 11 months ago

Write article on COVID 19 word limit more than 3000 and not copied from internet


Answered by Anonymous




Corona virus has first arrived in china in Wuhan city. COVID-19 is a virus which had arised a long ago. This corona virus which is naxmed as COVID-19 by the scientists has veen killing a very large bunch of people all over the world. This virus's name has came from the rays of the sun because this corona is shaped like the rays of the sun. The medicine to kill this virus has still didnt arise because commonly virus use metabolic pathways to enter into our body. In this modern world it is difficult to find a medicine to kill this virus. If one virus enter into our body then it will easily multiply and destroy. COVID-19 has became a huge destroyer in this world even though the technology has increased.

Answered by prasoonjha18


Hey mate, as you need help, I will try to summon the best information for you:

COVID-19 is an infection caused by the Novel Corona Virus 2019. If we need to understand the pandemic, we would have to firstly understand it's virus. Novel Corona Virus is a strain of Corona Virus which was first found in the Chinese City if Wuhan and it is the seventh strain of Corona Virus that infected humans in the past. Other examples of Corona Virus are SARS Corona Virus and MERS Corona Virus. COVID-19 stands for "Corona Virus Disease 2019", note that the word disease is used but now it is no longer a disease, it's a pandemic. The world is trying to find its cute from last 5 months but every attempt has failed sit that's why being healthy and maintaining hygiene is the key to fight this virus. Well, we also have an advantage that it is a virus and that is if it would not come in to contact with any biotic component, then it would without any effort within few hours or days. It is estimated to slow down the transmission of the virus on a large scale, it would take time till December 2020. So one should adapt the habbit of social distancing and hygiene. Stay Home! Stay Safe.

As you would understand in this para, I tried to show COVID-19 from the world's point of view not only India, I expect that you would like it.

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