English, asked by harshsohal, 10 months ago

write article on importace of balance diet


Answered by hitenkaim21


A balanced diet is a key to healthy lifestyle. A balanced diet should contain all right foods in right quantities like carbohydrates, high fibre content, water, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. Most people spoil their health by taking unnecessary food items. If you want to lead a healthy lifestyle, eating healthy food is crucial. You need to know what to eat and what to avoid in order to be fit and healthy. A balanced diet is not all about eating the right foods, but having them at correct time in right proportions. The following article will deal with the importance of a balanced diet for a healthy lifestyle.

Increase the liquid intake into your body:  

Fluids are very essential for human body to lead healthy lifestyle. Nearly 80% of human cell is filled by water; water is a co-factor in many of the metabolic activities and reactions. According to health experts at least two to three litres a day is essential. Try to minimize the intake of tea, coffee, and alcohol.

Eat fresh vegetables and fruits everyday:  

Maximize the intake of fresh fruits and vegetables which will help avoid many health disorders. Fresh food will provide good source of fibre and vitamins which are essential for body growth. Avoid consuming deep fried and overcooked vegetables. Your balanced diet should contain all five elements which are bitter, pungent, sour, sweet, and salt. Avoid eating processed food and packed food which may wipe out nutrients.

Make time to chew food: Healthy eating starts with smart eating. Most people do not recognize the importance of chewing as it is essential to digest many of components. In reality half of the digestion will be finished in buckle cavity.  Make sure that you eat slowly rather than swallowing, it will also help you to enjoy the actual flavour and taste of the food.

Avoid eating excess food: Avoid eating when you don’t have appetite, if you want to stay active and healthy. Excess food may lead to overweight in the long run.

Avoid stress during eating:  Avoid eating while working or watching TV which could disturb your concentration. It may lead to heartburn and colitis, if you eat with stress. If you want to know more about health, you can read health related magazines, search through various health related websites.

You can even hire a diet expert to advice on your diet. If you are paying his monthly fees with your credit card, make sure that it has insured with payment protection insurance. PPI reclaim will get activated to pay on your behalf, if you are unable to pay the credit card bills on time due to unemployment or disability.

Importance of a Balanced Diet

Most people believe that a balanced diet is definitely the key to a healthy lifestyle. It is rightly believed as even scientists say so. When we always consume a balanced diet, we will maintain our physical as well as mental health. A balanced diet must contain the proper foods that are consumed in apt quantities. A perfect balanced diet is composed of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, high fiber content, vitamins, and more.

Moreover, nowadays the trend of junk food is here to stay. People are not taking a balanced diet rather eating all sorts of harmful foods. It is more important than ever to tell people about the importance of a balanced diet. You cannot merely exercise and expect your body to stay fit. A balanced diet is crucial for that.

Most importantly, it is called a ‘balanced’ diet because it requires all the foods to be eaten in a balanced manner. For instance, if you intake large amounts of carbohydrates and a little amount of protein, then that will not be called a balanced diet, even if you are eating the right foods. The balance needs to be maintained for that.

How to Have a Balanced Diet?

One can always adopt a healthy lifestyle by starting to consume a balanced diet. Firstly, one must definitely increase the amount of liquid to consume in a day. Fluids are very important for the human body to function healthily. As almost 80% of our body is filled with water, we need it for good metabolism. Thus, start with drinking at least two to three liters of water every day. Moreover, try cutting down on the consumption of tea, coffee, alcohol, and other such addictive liquids.

Most importantly, always chew your food patiently. Do not just swallow it after chewing for four-five times. This way your food won’t get digested properly. Savor the food slowly and steadily. Next, do not eat in excess. You must know when to draw the line and stop when you don’t have the appetite. Therefore, we see how a balanced diet will keep you healthy and fit. It will improve the quality of your life and keep all the illnesses away.



Answered by komal1211


There is a saying "your diet is a bank account good food choice are good investments". balance diet is a diet consisting of a variety of food and provide adequate amount of the nutrients for good health.

it consists of many nutrients like carbohydrate, vitamin, mineral, oils and fats. it has low sugar and salt. it don't have any artificial ingredient, soft drinks. Balanced diet is not same for everyone it depends on age and type of work. Balanced diet is important for proper growth of body, energy, healthy body and mind and necessary for studies and sports also.

In today's time, children prefer fast food more than a balanced diet, they do not like home food, due to the presence of restaurants around, children like to eat fast food more than home food and even after seeing the advertisements on TV children are attracted to fast food.

In case of balanced diet parents should make a proper routine of exercise, rest and sleep and have a variety of healthy food and snack. they should be a role model theirself.

So, eat a balanced diet because health is wealth.



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