write as fraction 0.00002
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To write 0.00002 as a fraction you have to write 0.00002 as numerator and put 1 as the denominator. Now you have to multiply the numerator and the denominator by 10, as long as you get in numerator the whole number.
You will get:
0.00002 = 0.00002/1 = 0.0002/10 = 0.002/100 = 0.02/1000 = 0.2/10000 = 2/100000
And finally we have:
0.00002 = 2/100000 as a fraction.
Answered by
Here is yr answer....
=> 0.00002
The above value is in decimal form
Change this into fractions....
After 0 there are 5 digits in the above decimal value...
So, add 5 zeros in the denominator..
=> 2/100000
=> 1/50000 (after cancellization)
Hope it helps...
Here is yr answer....
=> 0.00002
The above value is in decimal form
Change this into fractions....
After 0 there are 5 digits in the above decimal value...
So, add 5 zeros in the denominator..
=> 2/100000
=> 1/50000 (after cancellization)
Hope it helps...
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