Computer Science, asked by adinaoroibam3685, 9 months ago

Write at least one advantage and one disadvantage of Electronic Type Writer.


Answered by DSP1234


Manual typewriters do not require a wall outlet. They can go anywhere.

A properly cared for typewriter from a reliable brand will last you a long, long time. You can easily find 60–70 year old typewriters in working order, only requiring a ribbon. Your laptop will probably not last 70 years.

With a little knowhow and patience, you can get an excellent typewriter on the cheap. Sometimes even free.

Since you can’t correct mistakes, you will be forced to think about your work before committing it to paper. This may improve your writing technique.

Paper is allot less fatiguing on the eyes than a screen.

Using a typewriter lowers the odds of getting distracted, since all the machine can do is transfer type to paper.

Good for filling out forms, checks and other physical pieces of paper.

Work is auto-saved as you go. No losing your work, unless you physically destroy the paper.


You can’t look up sources on the same machine (more appliccable to research than short stories.)

No spell check or grammar check.

No easy mistake correction. Correcting requires white out and luck.

No choice in fonts, and all font is block spaced. Color choices are limited to the whims of ribbon manufacturers.

If you want your work to have a wider audience than one paper copy can manage, there’s a transfer process involved. More work than just typing into a computer.

You have to use a lower case ‘l’ as a number 1, and an apostrophe backspace full stop as an exclamation mark because typewriter companies didn’t feel like sticking one more key on their machines. Lame.

If you don’t have mechanical knowhow, it can je tough fibding somebody that will still service your typewriter in the event that something goes wrong.

If you’re not patient, typewriters can be expensive.

keep me has brainleist

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