write brief notes natural line width and broadening
The line width ΔνL is also called natural line width and is connected with the decay time τ which is also known as natural life time. Typical values of ΔνL for single and undisturbed molecules that perform transitions within the visible range of the electromagnetic spectrum are between one and 10 Megahertz.
The line width ΔνL is also called natural line width and is connected with the decay time τ which is also known as natural life time. Typical values of ΔνL for single and undisturbed molecules that perform transitions within the visible range of the electromagnetic spectrum are between one and 10
Line broadening, in spectroscopy, the spreading across a greater wavelength, or frequency range, of absorption lines (dark) or emission lines (bright) in the radiation received from some object. ... Natural broadening is always present, is the same at all wavelengths, and is very small.