Write briefly about the social and economic conditions of Vijayanagar.
Economic condition :All commodities were available in abundance. Their prices were low and everything remained stored up properly and adequately in case of need. All the foreign travellers who visited Vijayanagara during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries have given glowing description of the wealth and prosperity of the state and its people.They state that not only the king and the nobles were rich but even the common people enjoyed prosperity. The common people could afford to wear ornaments in their ears, necks, arms, fingers, etc. The prosperity of the Vijayanagara empire was on account of the growth of agriculture, industries, trade and commerce. The land was very fertile; Most of the land in the countryside was under cultivation
Social Condition :
Position of women:
Women occupied a high position in the society. They took part in the literary, political and social life of the society. They were educated and worked at various posts in the government departments. They were trained in fine arts like music, dance and painting. They also received training in wrestling and fighting. They were employed body guards as well. Social evils concerning women were also prevalent. These were child marriages, polygamy, dowry system and practice of ‘sati’.
Architecture : The style is ornate and magnificently exuberant. The material used was hard granite. It has got features similar to that at Tamil architecture. The pillars of mandapas are fully decorated and beautifully carved and their varieties are countless. The temples and monuments are situated mostly between the Kamalapuram and Hampi.