Social Sciences, asked by bhardwajaditya1436, 11 months ago

write briefly about the two similarities and two diffrence you find between french revolution and Russian revolution ?

I want this answer in short
please please help me​


Answered by chauhanprakash064


Russisan revolution


નીચે આપેલા પ્રશ્નોના માગ્યા મુજબ ઉત્તર આપો. (દરેકનો એક ગુણ)

(i) C02 → CO2

aHaaa asei G Asculaien uzie sa quil

(ii) (iii)

H2 + 02 → H20

2Pbo + C→ Pb + CO2 Fe,03 + 2AI → Al203 + 2Fe


(A) બધા જ સંતુલિત છે.

(B) માત્ર (1), (ii) અને (iv) 2Hclaa


(C) માત્ર (1) અને (iv) સંતુલિત છે.

(D) માત્ર (i), (ii) અને (iii) સમતોલિત છે.

Answered by ꜱɴᴏᴡyǫᴜᴇᴇɴ


Both want a change from being ruled by an absolute ruler, both have economic instability from war debt, both have social inequality. And also, both started because of enlightenment ideas. What was the major difference between the American and French Revolutions? The American revolution didn't have the reign of terror.

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