write briefly on effects of pollution on food cultivation
Food cultivation is done widely all all over the world,food is cultivated to provide food for people,but in the process,we end up pollution the soil water and air ,you must have heard about fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides but they all contain harmful chemicals which pollute the soil ,water and air in some cases,this pollution is called ammonia pollution,this also becomes a threat to animals,and we also end up eating food that are polluted,poisoned,and as good as it looks don't forget that it is contaminated by ammonia fertilizers pesticides and herbicides..
plz mark me brainiest.
There is a two way relationship between food production and air pollution: food production contributes significantly to air pollution; in turn, air pollution can impact food production.
Agriculture is the single largest contributor of ammonia pollution as well as emitting other nitrogen compounds. This affects soil quality and thus the very capacity of the soil to sustain plant and animal productivity. In addition, the growing trade in agriculture products in the last few decades has further increased the amount of pollution emitted from the intensification process in producer countries. As this burden remains in the producer country, it creates an imbalance and shifts the pollution problem from the importing countries to the producer countries.
Conversely, there is increasing evidence that food production is also threatened by air pollution. Ozone precursor emissions (nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds) are of particular concern for global food security as these compounds react to form ground-level ozone. This, in turn, penetrates into the plant structure and impairs its ability to develop. Ozone was estimated to cause relative global crop losses for soy 6-16%, wheat 7-12% and maize 3-5%. At a European level, a study in 2000 of the economic losses due to the impact of ozone on 23 crops amounted to 6.7 billion Euros.