Biology, asked by MrThakur14Dec2002, 1 year ago

Write characteristics of CHLOROPHYCEAE.


Answered by Anonymous


1) The members of the chlorophyceae called green algae they live in a wide variety of habitats most of them leaving freshwater either as a part of blanket on are attached to submerged objects like Rock rocks stones and twigs.
Many are Marine in distribution some Green Algae are Terrestrial and grow almost soil some are symbionts being components of lichens.

2) The cells of chlorophyceae Eukaryotic Uninucleated or multinucleated the cell wall is two-layer the inner wall is made up of cellulose and Outer of pectin .
the protoplast has a large central vacuole and cytoplasm is pushed to the Periphery forming a prominent primordial utricle.
the cells possesses one or more chloroplasts the shape of the chloroplast maybe Cup shaped spiral shaped ciliated etccc.

3) the pigments present in the chloroplasts are chlorophyll A chlorophyll B carotene and xanthophyll same as in land plants the green colour of the members of chlorophyll C is due to predominance of chlorophyll pigments

4) storage product is starch
5) reproduction takes place by vegetative Asexual and sexual methods vegetative reproduction takes place by cell division fragmentation tubers Stolons etcccc

SOME EXAMPLES of this class: chlorophyceae
A] a) unicellular motile forms
example :chlamydomonas
b)unicellular non motile
example :chlorella
c)colonial motile forms
example: volvox
d) colonial non motile form
example :hydrodictyon
B] filamentous form ;
a) unbranched
example : spirogyra
b) branched
example : cladophora
e) heterotrichous
example : coleochaete
f) foliaceous
example: Ulva
g) siphonous
example: vaucheria.

be brainly
Answered by NainaRamroop

The characteristics of Chlorophyceae -

1. They are a significant class of algae. They have a green pigmentation due to the dominance of substances like chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b.

2. They can be either unicellular or multicellular.

3. Their cell wall contains cellulose and pectose.

4. Carbohydrates are stored in the form of starch.

5. They contain pyrenoids, a storage body, that surrounds the chloroplasts.

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