English, asked by poppy45678, 2 months ago

Write conversation between two friends about corona virus


Answered by mohammedshaik9343


Show genuine interest and ask them, “Do you want to talk about your feelings and concerns?” or “How are you feeling about going back to school? ”

Listen attentively like turning your body to face your friend and waiting until they have finished speaking before you respond. Reflect on what your friend says by summarizing or restating it back to them in your own words and asking if you have understood well. Be careful not to give advice. Do not tell your friend what to do.

Validate their feelings: Tell your friend, “I can understand why you feel this way” or “It must be hard for you.”

Try to understand their point of view by putting yourself in their shoes and seeing things from their perspective. Think about how your friend feels rather than how you would feel.

Respond with respect by thanking your friend for sharing their feelings with you. That means they trust you. Do not laugh at them, make fun of them or talk about what they shared with peers unless they want you to

Answered by angelgrishma0

A:hey how are you

B:it's not okay at all

A:what happened

B:I am worried about those people who are suffering from corona

B:same here...

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