English, asked by Zaidpathan4676, 10 months ago

Write dialogue between two friends about use of animals in circus


Answered by Ayushibilwadia
Let the two Friends be Friend 1 and friend 2

So here the conversation :

Friend 1= Hii !

Friend 2= Hii !

Friend 1 = I have a query will u solve it .

Friend 2= Yes ! Why not tell me if I will able I will help u.

Friend 1 = My query is about that is it right to use animals in the circus for people entertainment.

Friend 2 = No ! it is very bad those who use animals in the circus for their profit .

Friend 1 = Yes it is . Plz tell more .

Friend 2 = Animals are also living organisms but only they can't talk like as we human does they can't tell their problems but they have feelings they want to be in the forest wilt nature because they are a part of nature . But some crude humans bring them and trained them to use them in the circus to earn profit .

Friend 1 = Yes they also beat them if they don't follow the order of their master .

Friend 2 = The government should barn the use of animals in the circus and don't allow anyone to beat them .

Friend 1 = Yes you are right the government should punish the people like this . OK by talk you Later By .

Friend 2 = OK ! By

Hope it will help u
Thank u

Ayushibilwadia: How is my answer
Answered by bharatpatadia74


A dialogue between two friends regarding a visit to a zoo

Sujon   :  Good morning, Hasib.

Hasib   : Good morning, Sujon.


Sujon   :  Where are you going today?


Hasib   :  I am going to visit the lahore zoo with my father.


Sujon   : I have seen all the zoological parks in our country.


Hasib   : You have seen really many zoological parks.


Sujon   : Is it your first visit to a zoological park?


Hasib   : No. Before this I have visited the Jaloo zoo. Can you tell me which zoo you like the most?


Sujon   : Yes. I like the Lahore Zoo most of all, because it is really a big zoo.


Hasib   : Can you tell me? How did you go to the zoo?


Sujon   : I went by bus with my family.


Hasib   : Where is the Lahore Zoo situated?


Sujon   : It is situated near the Chairing Cross on the Mall near A vari Hotel.


Hasib   : Is there a great rush of visitors at the zoo?


Sujon   : There is always a great rush of visitors of visitors who come to visit the zoo.


Hasib   : Is there any entry fee?


Sujon   : Yes. You have to purchase the entry tickets after which you can enter the zoo.


Hasib   : I think I shall enjoy my visit to the zoo.


Sujon   : Of course. There are beautiful parks and pools you will be thrilled to see beautiful birds and animals.


Hasib   : Can you name some birds which we may find there?


Sujon   : Yes, you will see many birds like ducks, pigeons, parrots, sparrows and many other birds which you have never seen before.


Hasib   : Can you tell me something about the animals?


Sujon   : By all means. You will see stags, deers, Neelgai, rhinos, lions, tigers, leopards, monkeys, elephants etc.


Hasib   : Thank you so much Sujon. I shall really enjoy myself when I go to the zoo today.

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