English, asked by khanfirozkhan786, 6 months ago

Write diary entry in English about your future plans in 100- 180 words


Answered by ToppeBeliveme


Aimless life leads nowhere. So, a man should fix the aim of his life. He may face many difficulties in realizing it, but if he has a strong determination, he must achieve success.

I have already fixed the aim of my life. I want to become a doctor. There are several reasons for my choice.

Reasons: The profession of a doctor in noble. He renders a valuable service to the suffering humanity. He is the symbol of hope and joy. The face of a man suffering from acute pain brightens as soon as the doctor arrives. The doctor gives him a pill and his pain is cured. A good doctor is respected as an angel.

If I become a doctor, I can earn a lot of money. I am not a heartless man. When I become a doctor, I will treat the poor patients without charging fees. I will also distribute free medicines to the poor people. I will educate people for maintaining hygiene and cleanliness.

There is a great dearth of doctors in our country. A large number of people living in our villages die of various diseases owing to lack of medical facilities. I have made up my mind to serve the rural people.

I want to become a doctor, because I am by nature kind and humane. I am pained to see people suffering from various kinds of diseases. My desire to serve the ailing mankind prompts me to become a doctor.

My Scheme: Owing to these reasons I have decided to become a doctor. I have taken up Physics, Chemistry and Biology for the Secondary School Examination. My future plans are to get myself admitted to a good Medical College. After passing the M.D. Examination I shall go abroad for higher studies.

Conclusion: If everything goes according to my plan. I must become a good doctor. I wish my sweet dream would be fulfilled.

Answered by sumipree26



May 29, 2018

10:30 p.m.

Dear Diary:

Tonight I am going to share with you what my dream about my

future is. Last night while studying I pondered over my future career. I

thought over various options. Finally I felt I have a dream to become a space

scientist and work at ISRO.

I have strong interest in deep space exploration and

extraterrestrial phenomena. I feel by becoming a space scientist my wish to

study deep space will be fulfilled. Besides, I am also very keen to be a part

of deep space missions. For example, I am greatly interested in setting up

colonies on Mars. To be honest, I wish to live on Mars and explore deep space

from there. That’s all for now. Good night.

Hope helps


How do you write a diary entry in English grammar?


A good diary writing contains the place, the date, the day and even the time of writing. ...

A diary doesn't need any formal heading. ...

The style and tone is generally informal and personal. ...

As the diary is writer's personal document, the diary entry doesn't need any signature.

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