Write difference between home key and guide key
The Home key is commonly found on desktop and laptop keyboards. The key has the opposite effect of the End key. In limited-size keyboards where the Home key is missing the same functionality can be reached via the key combination of Fn+←.
Have you ever wondered what those twelve, mysterious 'F' keys at the top of your computer keyboard do? Most of us ignore them, but they actually have a number of uses that can help you enjoy a quicker and more efficient computer experience. Known more properly as the 'Function Keys', some are more useful than others and many of them have different functions depending on the programs you are using. Our simple guide gives you all the information you need about the uses of the 'F' keys so that they are a mystery no more!
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1) home key may refer to the text cursor to the beginning of the line on which you're currently typing.
2)guide key is a button on the keyboards in a particular function. in computer keyboard guide key lock ia used for makong capital letters