write difference between understanding marginalisation and comforting marginalisation
A social process of being confined to lower social standing is marginalisation. It involves people being denied their fundamental rights that results in lowering their social and economical status. It is a situation when a particular social group is forced to live on the fringes rather than in the mainstream.
The two fundamental rights that Dalits can draw upon to insist that they be treated with dignity and as equals are:
Right to Equality: All persons are equal before the law. No citizen can be discriminated against on the basis of his or her socioeconomic background, caste, religion, etc. Every person has equal right of access to all public places.
Right to Freedom: This includes the right to freedom of speech and expression, the right to move freely, the right to form associations, the right to reside in any part of the country and the right to practise any kind of profession, occupation or business.