Biology, asked by pganga7569866332, 3 months ago

Write differences between (ASI)
a) autotrophic nutrition - heterotrophic nutrition
c) Light reaction - dark reaction
b) Ingestion- digestion
d) Chlorophyll-chloroplas​


Answered by diyakhrz12109


A) Autotrophs Heterotrophs

Type of Organisms

Usually members of the plant kingdom and certain unicellular organisms like cyanobacteria All members of the animal kingdom

Mode of Nutrition

  • Autotrophs are producers which prepare their own food.
  • Heterotrophs are the consumers who depend on other sources for their food.

Classified into

  • These can be classified as photoautotrophs and chemoautotrophs.
  • These can be classified as photoheterotrophs and chemoheterotrophs.

Presence of chloroplasts

  • The chloroplast helps in preparing food.
  • They do not contain chloroplast, so cannot prepare food.

Energy is obtained from

  • They obtain energy from inorganic sources by converting light energy into chemical energy.
  • They obtain energy directly or indirectly from other organisms.

Energy Storage

  • Autotrophs can store light energy and chemical energy.
  • Heterotrophs cannot store energy.

In Food Chain

  • They are placed at the primary level in the food chain.
  • These are placed in the secondary or tertiary level in the food chain.


  • They cannot move from their place.
  • Can move from one place to another in search of food and shelter.


  • Green plants, algae and a few photosynthetic bacteria are examples of autotrophs.
  • Cows, buffaloes, tigers, horses, humans are examples of heterotrophs.

B)Light Reaction

Dark Reaction

It takes place only in the presence of light.

It can take place in the presence or absence of sunlight.

It is a photochemical phase.

It is a biochemical phase.

It takes place in the grana of the chloroplast.

It takes place in the stroma of the chloroplast.

C ) Ingestion and digestion are two actions that occur in the alimentary canal of animals. The main difference between ingestion and digestion is that ingestion is the taking of food into the body whereas digestion is the breakdown of food into small molecules that can be absorbed by the body. Ingestion can be taking food either into the mouth in animals or into the cytoplasm in protozoans. Mechanical digestion and chemical digestion are the two types of digestions. In mechanical digestion, large food particles are broken down into small food particles. This increases the surface area of food, facilitating their chemical digestion by enzymes. Chemical digestion facilitates the absorption of nutrients from the alimentary canal


  • They are fat-soluble organic molecules having tetrapyrrole ring hence referred to as the “Tetrapyrrole pigments or Magnesium chlorin”
  • Food producers of the cell found in green plants, present in the chloroplast
  • Responsible for plants to grow healthy and green
  • Found in the mesophyll cells in the leaves of green plants
  • Reflects green colour by absorbing red and blue wavelengths
  • Just like mitochondria, it is referred to as the power house of the cell as is responsible for ATP synthesis and other such reactions
  • Structure similar to that of heme group of haemoglobin and cytochromes derived from protoporphyrin


  • Organelle found in all green plants
  • It is the site for photosynthesis to occur, converting sunlight into chemical energy
  • Found in dense fluid part of the chloroplast
  • Carries out photosynthesis, light reactions, carbon assimilation reaction and much more
  • Encloses the fluid stroma inside the double membrane
  • Contains tiny, flattened, floating sacs known as thylakoids arranged as granum

Answered by Cprasad890


  1. (A) Autotrophic nutrition
  • organism prepares it's own food
  • food is prepared from carbon dioxide and water in presence of light
  • Green plants and certain bacteria like blue green alge have Autotrophic nutrition

2 hetero trophic nutrition

  • organism depends on other organism for food.
  • food cannot be prepared from carbon dioxide and water.
  • all the animals most bacteria have heterotrophic nutrition.
  1. (c) light reaction
  • it occur in the thylokoid membrane of the chloroplast.
  • it depends on the sunlight.
  • photolysis occur in photosystem ||.
  • ATP and NADPH are produced .

2. dark reaction

  • it occurs in the stroma of the chloroplast .
  • it does not depend on the sunlight.
  • photolysis does not occur.
  • glucose is produced.

(b) 1. ingestion

  • intake of food from the external environment into the body by swallowing or absorbing it is known as ingestion .
  • it helps intake of food particles so the digestive enzymes and juices cannot act on it .
  • it is completely mechanical process.

2. digestion

  • breakdown of food into particles. which can be absorbed by the body is known as digestion.
  • the action of digestive juices and enzymes on food is a part of digestion.
  • it is mechanical and chemical process.

(d) 1. chlorophyll

  • it is a light absorbing plant molecules.
  • it is present inside the chloroplast .
  • it converts light energy into chemical energy.

2. chloroplast

  • it is a plant arganelle.
  • it is present in high amount in plants leaves .
  • it is the site of both light and dark reaction.

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