Write Diffrence Btw Slime layer and Capsupe.
Capsule and slime layer are two structures that are found in the outside cell wall of many bacteria. Capsule allows bacteria to invade the immune system of the host. Hence, it is common in parasitic bacterial forms. Both capsule and slim layer are composed of a sugar shell called glycocalyx. Glycocalyx layer is considered as an additional layer to the cell wall. The main difference between capsule and slime layer is that capsule is a thick glycocalyx layer that is tightly bound to the cell, defining boundaries of the cell whereas slime layer is a thin glycocalyx layer that is loosely bound to the cell.
Many bacterial cells secrete some extracellular material in the form of a capsule or a slime layer. A slime layer is loosely associated with the bacterium and can be easily washed off, whereas a capsule is attached tightly to the bacterium and has definite boundaries. Capsules can be seen under a light microscope by placing the cells in a suspension of India ink. The capsules exclude the ink and appear as clear halos surrounding the bacterial cells. Capsules are usually polymers of simple sugars (polysaccharides), although the capsule of Bacillus anthracis is made of polyglutamic acid.