write diffrent bettween fundamental phyisical quantities and derived physical quantities ?
It’s hard to define what are fundamental and what are derived quantities. basically one considers some quantities as basic and others as derived.
In mechanics one considers length, mass and time as fundamental and others like force, energy, velocity etc as derived. In case of velocity, obviously it is derived as it is based on length and time. But one can treat energy as fundamental and consider mass or length as derived.
If you include electomagnetism. Then what should one considered as fundamental - charge or current? Sometimes electric current is considered as fundamental as one can define magnetic fields in terms of currents. But current is flow of charge so should it not be derived and charge fundamental? Initially both charge and current were considered fundamental.
Now, it is more or less standard (widely accepted) practice to consider length, mass, time and charge as fundamental and other quantities derived. But in some fields of physics, one considers fundamental constants, velocity of light, Plank’s constant, electronic charge and Newton’s gravitational constant as fundamental (or define as units) and other quantities as derived. In this scheme of things product of energy and time or momentum and length as a product of Plank’s constant and velocity of light. But then we are going away from your question.
So, in short, what is considered as fundamental and what is derived is somewhat subjective.
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