write down 150 word peragraph about teen age
Teenage is a period of twilight between childhood and youth. It is a period of wild excitement and better disappointment. Loving attention paid by a young person of the opposite sex throws the teenagers into a state of raptures. Psychologically it is a great mess. Teenage is the time when a person is struggling to be born. He appears to be grown up to the outsiders but many a time he clings to his parents for support and fortifies his arguments.
A teenager’s emotions: At times, an adolescent idolizes his father for all the love and comforts he has provided him even at the cost of personal conveniences. His father canceled a pleasure trip to nurse him when he was sick. He rejected an attractive job offer to remain in the town where his child continues to study in the prestigious school he had joined since his studies began. He has a great love and an admiration for his father.