English, asked by AmberHilal, 1 year ago

Write down 20 difficult words from the novel The invisible Man .


gesticulate, rowdy, balustrade, catharsis, rampant,vestibule, nonchalance, malicious, lethargically, fyce, repress, eloquence, verbiage, defunct, articulate, pomade, disperse
Answered by yuvrajrathore
invisibilitythe quality of not being perceivable by the eyeNor is my invisibility exactly a matter of a bio-chemical accident to my epidermis.nauseateupset and make illI closed my ears and swallowed blood until I was nauseated.catharsispurging the body to stimulate evacuation of the bowelsHer catharsis is absolutely tremendous--ha, ha!"undulatemove in a wavy pattern or with a rising and falling motionHe was a large man who wore diamond studs in a shirtfront which swelled with the ample paunch underneath, and each time the blonde swayed herundulating hips he ran his hand through the thin hair of his bald head and, with his arms upheld, his postperforatemake a hole into or between, as for ease of separationYou would be canceled, perforated, voided, become the recognized magnet attracting loose screws.gesticulateshow, express, or direct through movementThe men continued to ignore him, walking along in a mass, some talking in groups and others talking and gesticulating to themselves.unambiguoushaving or exhibiting a single clearly defined meaningAnd in the chapel on Sunday evenings upon the platform, hadn't he always taught us to live content in our place in a thousand unambiguous words?reminiscerecall the pastBut now I felt that I was sharing in a great work and, with the car leaping leisurely beneath the pressure of my foot, I identified myself with the rich manreminiscing on the rear seat .nexusthe means of connection between things linked in seriesAnd I move more rigid than all the others with a sense of judgment; the vibrations of the chapel bells stirring the depths of my turmoil, moving toward its nexus with a sense of doom.thematicrelating to or constituting a topic of discourseHa! Miss Susie, Miss Susie Gresham, back there looking at that co-ed smiling at that he-ed--listen to me, the bungling bugler of words, imitating the trumpet and the trombone's timbre, playing thematic variations like a baritone horn.corrodecause to deteriorate due to water, air, or an acidIf real, why is it that I can recall in all that island of greenness no fountain but one that was broken, corroded and dry?visualizedseen in the mind as a mental imageIn those pre-invisible days I visualized myself as a potential Booker T. Washington.crumplegather something into small wrinkles or foldsI saw the rug covered with coins of all dimensions and a few crumpled bills.ambivalencemixed feelings or emotions"I too have become acquainted with ambivalence," I said.bunglemake a mess of, destroy, or ruinHa! Miss Susie, Miss Susie Gresham, back there looking at that co-ed smiling at that he-ed--listen to me, the bungling bugler of words, imitating the trumpet and the trombone's timbre, playing thematic variations like a baritone horn.amazeaffect with wonderI followed his eyes and was amazed to see the varied expressions on the patients' faces as they silently returned his gaze.lecterndesk or stand with a slanted top used to hold a textSomeone up there, above the alternating moss-dry and grease-slick heads of the students rowed before me, was making announcements from a lectern on which a dim light shone.sublimatechange directly from a solid into a vapor without meltingI saw the guests on the platform turn to look behind them, to see the thin brown girl in white choir robe standing high against the organ pipes, herself become before our eyes a pipe of contained, controlled and sublimatedanguish, a thin plain factimbrethe distinctive property of a complex soundAnd at that point a voice of trombone timbre screamed at me, "Git out of, here, you fool!yokela person who is not intelligent or interested in cultureOnce I saw a prizefighter boxing a yokel.

yuvrajrathore: sry
yuvrajrathore: this is wrong
yuvrajrathore: invisibility
yuvrajrathore: nauseate
yuvrajrathore: catharsis
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