Computer Science, asked by Rahul0912, 1 year ago

Write down 50 abbreviations related to Information tecnology


Answered by brainly11422
Track-At-OnceTAPI—Telephony Application Programming InterfaceTASM—Turbo ASseMblerTB—TeraByteTcl—Tool Command LanguageTCP—Transmission Control ProtocolTCP/IP—Transmission Control Protocol/Internet ProtocolTCU—Telecommunication Control UnitTDMA—Time-Division Multiple AccessTFT—Thin-Film Transistortif - image(Tagged Image File Format)TFTP—Trivial File Transfer ProtocolTI—Texas InstrumentsTLA—Three-Letter AcronymTLD—Top-Level DomainTLS—Thread-Local StorageTLS—Transport Layer SecurityTLV—Type-length-valuetmp—temporaryTNC—Terminal Node ControllerTNC—Threaded Neill-Concelman connectorTPF—Transaction Processing FacilityTPM—Trusted Platform ModuleTROFF—Trace OffTRON—Trace OnTRON—The Real-time Operating system NucleusTRSDOS—Tandy Radio Shack - Disk Operating SystemTSO—Time Sharing OptionTSP—Traveling Salesman ProblemTSR—Terminate and Stay ResidentTTA—True Tap AudioTTF—TrueType FontTTL—Transistor-Transistor Logic

Rahul0912: cybary are u incharge of brainly
Rahul0912: ok
Rahul0912: bye guys
brainly11422: its my real dp
Answered by Anonymous
DUN Dial-Up Networking (Microsoft)
DVD Digital Video Disk; Digital Versatile Disk; 4.7 GB CD format
EBCDIC Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code [IBM] (is to ASCII as Sanskrit is to English)
ECC Error Check Code + Error Checking and Correction + Error Correction Code
ECP Enhanced Capabilities Port [Microsoft]
EDO Extended Data Out (RAM)
EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
EIDE Enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics (hard drive interface)
EISA Extended Industry Standard Architecture (PC bus design)
EMACS Editing Macros [Unix editor]
EOF End of File (^Z character)
EPP Enhanced Parallel Port
EPROM Electrically Programmable Read Only Memory + Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
ESDI Enhanced Small Device Interface
EWAN Emulator Without A Good Name [Internet]
FAQ Frequently Asked Question
FAT File Allocation Table
FDC Floppy Disk Controller
FDISK Fixed Disk (DOS utility)
FIFO First-In, First-Out
Firewire IEEE 1394 serial port (faster than USB)
FLOPS Floating Point Operations/Second
FPM Fast Page Mode (RAM)
FYI For Your Information
GIGO Garbage In, Garbage Out
GIS Geographic Information System
GNU Gnu's Not Unix (operating system that really IS Unix)
GPS Global Positioning Satellite/System
GUI Graphical User Interface
GW-basic Gee Whiz BASIC
HDSL High-Data-Rate Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) + High-Speed Digital Subscriber Loop
HDTV High Definition Television
HEX Hexadecimal
HP Hewlett-Packard (Company)
HPFS High-Performance File System (Windows NT)
HPGL Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language
HPIB Hewlett-Packard Interface Bus
HPLJ Hewlett-Packard Laser Jet
HSV Hue Saturation Value (color model)
HTML HyperText Markup Language
HTTP HyperText Transport Protocol
HTTP-NG HTTP Next Generation
HTTPS HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure
Hz Hertz (frequency, per second)
IDE Integrated Development Environment [Borland] + Integrated Drive Electronics + Intelligent Drive Electronics
IEEE 1394 Firewire (faster serial port than USB)
IMAP Internet Message Access Protocol [Internet; a step up from POP]
IMHO (in my humble opinion; email)
I/O Input/Output (serial and parallel ports)
IP Internet Protocol (as in TCP/IP)
IPX Internetwork Packet Exchange [Novell]
IR Infrared 
IrDA Infrared Data Association (Ir port standard)
IRQ Interrupt Request (PC hardware signal)
ISA Industry Standard Architecture
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network (digital phone line)
ISP Internet Service Provider
IT Information Technology 
I-WAY Information Highway 
JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group
KB Keyboard + Kilobyte (1,024 bytes; also kB)
kHz Kilohertz
LAN Local Area Network 
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LED Light Emitting Diode
LF Line Feed
LIF Low Insertion Force
LINUX (Free-Source version of UNIX Operating system named after Linus Torvalds)
listserv List Server [Internet]
LPI Lines Per Inch 
LPT Line Printer
LPT1 First Parallel Printer Port
LPT2 Second Parallel Printer Port
LQ Letter Quality 
LSI Large Scale Integration 
LZW Lempel-Ziv-Walsh (algorithm)
MB Megabyte (also mB; 1,000 kilobytes)
MBASIC Microsoft BASIC [Microsoft]
MBps Megabytes Per Second
Mbps Megabits Per Second 
MD Make Directory (DOS/Unix)

Rahul0912: :)
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