write down a short poem about the legend of King Arthur and please answer as soon as possible
Avalon, by Robert Elliott Gonzales
Balin and Balan, by Alfred Tennyson
The Coming of Arthur, by Alfred Tennyson
Gareth and Lynette, by Alfred Tennyson
Guinevere, by Alfred Tennyson
The Holy Grail, by Alfred Tennyson
King Arthur and the Half-Man, by Arthur Guiterman
The King Sends Three Cats to Guinevere, by Marjorie Allen Seiffert
Lancelot, by Arthur Guiterman
Lancelot and Elaine, by Alfred Tennyson
Legend, by Arthur Guiterman
The Marriage of Geraint, by Alfred Tennyson
Merlin and Vivien, by Alfred Tennyson
Morte d'Arthur, by Alfred Tennyson
On the Way to Avalon, by Florence Peacock
The Passing of Arthur, by Alfred Tennyson
Pelleas and Ettarre, by Alfred Tennyson
Sir Galahad, by Alfred Tennyson
Sir Launcelot and Queen Guinevere, by Alfred Tennyson