English, asked by as19, 1 year ago

write down a short skit with wh questions and yes/no questions


Answered by singhedward
There are two things to note here. One, which you can’t know simply by reading this on a screen, is that when asking this question, the speaker’s tone of voice rises at the end, as opposed to a normal falling pitch used during a declarative sentence.

The second is the change in the word. When a declarative sentence becomes a yes-no question, the subject and its corresponding auxiliary verb switch (in other words, they become inverted). Therefore, IT IS denotes a declarative, while IS IT denotes a yes-no question. Here are some other examples of yes-no questions:

Are you going to take the car today? (You’re going to take the car today.)

Can you understand Cantonese? (You can understand Cantonese.)

Would he mind switching seats with me? (He would mind switching seats with me.)

Should I leave my things here while we’re gone? (I should leave my things here while we’re gone.)

Will we be stopping by the gas station later? (We’ll be stopping by the gas station later.)

Now, look at the following question:

Do you speak English?

The corresponding declarative sentences for this is: YOU SPEAK ENGLISH. However, in a yes-no question, we need to add the verb TO DObecause an inversion must occur between the subject and an auxiliary verb.

So, if you want to change YOU SPEAK ENGLISHinto a question, you must first add the auxiliary TO DO (YOU DO SPEAK ENGLISH), and then make the inversion (DO YOU SPEAK ENGLISH?). It would sound weird for you to ask, SPEAK YOU ENGLISH? or YOU SPEAK ENGLISH?

Here are more examples of yes-no questions with the added TO DO auxiliary:

Do you like chocolate?

Does everything make sense?

Do I sound annoying when I talk?

Did Julie just walk out of the room?

Answered by shankarsurywanashi12

what is wh questions

what is yes/No Question ❓

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