Write down all the sources of modern history in brief with each
point diagram.
Keeping the Importance of this topic in mind, we have compiled the study material of “History of Modern India” into 5 Sections for better understanding of the stages of development in Modern India, why certain events happened and analysis of the consequences of such developments that paves an impact on our society, economy and our political system.
In this Study Material we cater the requirements of not only the school going students but also for those who are pursuing their degree courses and even for those who are preparing for competitive examination.
History of Modern India Complete Study Material
1. Modern History: Decline of Mughal and Maratha Empire
1.1 Successors of Mughal: Detailed Overview
1.2 Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj: History |Biography| Administration
1.3 The Successors of Shivaji
1.4 Maratha Administration
1.5 Peshwas under Maratha Empire: Detailed Overview
2. Modern History: Rise of the Regional States and European Power
2.1 History of the Punjab | Sikh Warrior
2.2 History of Rajputs: Rajput Provinces of India
2.3 History of Mysore State
2.4 The Awadh | Historic Region of Northern India
2.5 Independent Rulers of Bengal during 17th Century
2.6 History of Hyderabad State & Nizams of Hyderabad
2.7 History of Jats State during 17th Century
2.8 Establishment of the Portugal Dominion
2.9 Establishment of the Dutch Dominion
2.10 Arrival of the French and establishment of French East India Company
2.11 Arrival of the British & Establishment of British East India Company