Write down any 5 random acts of Kindness. List the reasons of the goodness they spread.
Five Random Acts of Kindness
⇒ D0 your neighbor a fav0r
⇒ Buy a stranger c0ffee.
⇒ Sign up t0 v0lunteer.
⇒ Clean 0ut y0ur h0use and make a d0nati0n t0 a l0cal charity.
⇒ Make a d0nati0n t0 y0ur l0cal United Way.
. the commission rejected Gandhiji’s proposalThe reason this experiment works is because of air pressure! Air pressure is the weight of a column of air pushing down on an area. ... Because of the air pressure pushing up on the card, the card will stay on the glass and the water will not spill out.The reason this experiment works is because of air pressure! Air pressure is the weight of a column of air pushing down on an area. ... Because of the air pressure pushing up on the card, the card will stay on the glass and the water will not spill out.