write down any application on the high pressure
The application of pressure is used in medical syringes
The pressure of the blood forces the liquid to move into the syringe when its plunger is drawn.
- Broad handles in bags and suitcases are provided for the comfort. Broad handles have large area. So, the pressure exerted on hands and shoulders would be small while carrying the bags and the suitcases.
- On squeezing the rubber top on the dropper the air is squeezed out. Now when you put the tip of dropper into the liquid and stop squeezing the top, the low pressure inside inl flows inside and fill the void. The ink stays in dropper due to the lower pressure in the tube than the external atmospheric pressure.
- High heeled shoes sink deeper in soft ground in comparison to flat ones, This is because in high heeled shoes weight is spread over a small area in comparison to flat ones. This results in higher pressure.
- Trucks carrying heavy loads have more than four tyres. More tyres in case of trucks increase the area of contact with the road. This results in reduced pressure on the tyres.
- The area of sharp edge of knife, scissor or handsaws are much less then blunt edge. So, for same total force pressure is more for sharp edges than the blunt one. Hence sharp knife, scissors etc, cuts easily than a blunt one.
Others: (Only for more information)
Let us take an example of pressure: take into consideration a sharp needle, it has a small surface area. However, consider a pencil which is very blunt in the back. It has more surface area than the needle. If we poke the needle in our palm, it will definitely hurt us as the needle gets pierced inside our skin whereas if we poke the blunt side of the pencil into our hand it wouldn’t pain at all.
It is due to the fact that the area of contact between the palm and the needle is very small, further the pressure is in a way large. However, the area of contact between the pencil and the palm is more, therefore the pressure is less.
Another example we can take as – A brick sitting on a surface exerts a force equal to its weight on the object it is resting on. Now we know that a rectangular brick has a wide surface and thin surfaces on the sides. By changing the orientation of the brick resting on a surface, we are effectively changing the pressure acting on the surface by the same brick.
Hope it helps...please mark as brainliest.