Write down any five benefits of e-banking services
1- most banks offer online banking and you can play your bills , transfer money , and access a record of your checking account transaction all from of your web browser.
2- banking from the confurm of your sofa makes everything you do with your finances a bit easier
Benefits of E-banking to banking to customer :
1. E-banking provides 24 hours a day×365 days a year services to the customers .
2. Customers can make transaction from office or house or while travelling via mobile.
3. There is greater customer satisfaction through E-banking as it offers unlimited access and great security as they can avoid travelling with cash.
Benefits of E-banking to banks :
1. E-banking lowers the transaction cost.
2. Load on branches can be reduced by established centralized data base.
3. E-banking provides competitive advantage to the bank, adds value to the banking relationship.