write down five characteristics of saline soil
black soil
Saline Soils are those soils that contain sufficient salinity to give ECe Values greater than 4 dS/m, but have an ESP less than 15 (or an SAR less than 13) in the saturation extract. Thus, exchange complex of saline soils is dominated by calcium and magnesium, not sodium. The pH of saline soils is usually below 8.5.
Unlike other soils, salinity of black cotton soils cannot be measured easily. ... An abundance of such salts destroys the physical structure of soil and clogs the soil pores. This adversely affects the movement of water in the soils and the roots of crops are unable to take water up efficiently.
In field conditions, saline soils can be recognized by the spotty growth of crops and often by the presence of white salt crusts on the surface. When the salt problem is only mild, growing plants often have a blue-green tinge. Barren spots and stunted plants may appear in cereal or forage crops growing on saline areas