Write down letter to
your teache for one
day leave.
The Class Teacher,
School name,
Subject: Application for leave
Respected Madam/sir,
I am student of your class (your standard). My roll no is [roll no.]. I am suffering from a high fever and cold and the doctor has advised me to take bed rest for 1 days. So, I will not be able to attend school for 1 day from DD/MM/YYYY to DD/MM/YYYY. Hence, requesting you to kindly grant me leave for 1 day.
Yours Obedient Student
Class (your standard)
Roll No. [your roll no.]
The Principal
St. Shahid School
Date: January 21th, 2022
Subject: application for 1 days leave due to fever.
Dear Sir,
Respectfully, it is for your information that I am your student, a Class 5 understudy.
Due to a high temperature, I am experiencing severe bodily discomfort. Due to my bad health, I will be unable to attend school for at least the next two days.
As a result, I am submitting this request in your honourable rank for one days of sick leave from January 21 to January 22.
I'm now following my doctor's orders, and I'm hoping to recover from my condition soon. allapati
I will be grateful to you.
Yours obediently, ______
please mark me as brainliest