Biology, asked by navurajput2003, 11 months ago

Write down salient features of phylum Artropoda.​


Answered by tista74


1. Anthropods makes up 80%of the animal kingdom.

2.Their bodies have hard exoskeleton made up of a substance called chitin

3.Their body is divided into three parts- head, thorax,& abdomen

4. They also have three pairs of legs for locomotion.

5.Anthropods also have antennae & compound eyes on their heads.

Eg:- Honeybees, Scorpion.

Answered by arpandadwal


  • Arthropods have a segmented body and paired limbs that have joints.
  • They have a tough exoskeleton (external skeleton) made of substance called chitin.
  • Arthropods have well-developed organ systems. Their body fluid, called haemolymph, circulates within the body cavity, called haemocoel, coming in direct contact with all the organs.
  • Most arthropods lay eggs.


Arthropoda is the largest phylum. It includes insects, spiders, scorpions, centipedes, millipedes, shrimps, lobsters and crabs.

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