write down the Biot Savart law show the direction of magnetic field by using proper diagram
This law was named after Jean-Baptiste Biot and Felix Savart in 1820. They derived the mathematical expression for the magnetic flux density.
This law was named after Jean-Baptiste Biot and Felix Savart in 1820. They derived the mathematical expression for the magnetic flux density.
The Biot-Savart Law is an equation that explains the magnetic field created by a current carrying wire, allowing the calculation of its strength at various points. This is because when a compass is moved near an electric wire, the compass needle tends to change the direction.
It relates the magnetic field to direction, length, magnitude and proximity of the current. The law is valid in magnetostatic approximation. This law comes in handy while calculating the magnetic field that results from an electric current distribution.
The magnetic intensity at any given point owing to a steady current in a straight and long wire is-
Directly proportional to the current flowing
Inversely proportional to the distance of wire from point
This law is consistent with Ampere’s circuital law and also Gauss’s law for magnetism.
Electric currents along closed curve
B= magnetic field
R= position
I= steady current
C= path in which electric current flows
dl= vector whose magnitude is equal to the length of differential element of wire in direction of the conventional current, r’=r-l, the full displacement vector from the wire element (l) to the point where the field is being computed (r)
is a magnetic constant
Electric currents throughout the conductor volume
When the conductor has some thickness, the equation is given as-
Where, dV is the volume element
J is the current density in that volume
Biot Savart law for a point charge
Where, is the unit vector that points to the current position of the particle to the very point at which the field gets measured