Science, asked by 9846339273, 11 months ago

write down the factors on which gravitational force depends.


Answered by poochee


There are actually two factors. Inertia + expansion. There is only one way to calculate gravity from scratch.

Gravity is a pseudo force (the inertial reaction of a local mass to the spatial acceleration field created by expanding space. Here is the formula for Newton’s formalism when the geometry is simplified by considering a uniform density spherical body:

g = (M/A) x (a/s)

where M is the mass of the body, ‘g’ is the intensity of the gravitational field at surface of the spherical body, “a” is the local acceleration c^2/R for an exponentially expanding universe (the present state of the cosmos), and ‘c’ is the velocity of light.

The above formulation is easily verified for a body such as the earth which is approximately spherical and approximately of uniform average density. The only factor left unexplained is “s” which stand for sigma, it is the operative area density factor of the cosmos, and it has a value of one kg per square meter, that is

s = (1 kg/m^2).

Here is why. The formula for ‘g’ above is actually an altered form of Newton’s second law (mass M multiplied by acceleration ‘a’ in the numerator equals force). To convert total force to surface force intensity, divide by surface area ‘A’ of the spherical body.

In opposing acceleration, the universe acts as a ubiquitous area density

s = 1 kg/m^2.

Newton’s second law can then be understood as an instantaneous virtual property of the infinite plane conflation of space and mass. In its guise as a virtual infinite plane opposing acceleration at all places and in any direction, the impedance of the universe appears as a unity factor, not by coincidence, but because the dimensions of time, space, force and acceleration were chosen such that one ntn = one kg meter, sec^2. In other words, ‘s’ represents the participation of all other mass in the universe whenever a local mass is accelerated.

Mach’s Principle resuscitated? That the influence of all inertial matter throughout the Hubble volume is diluted to a unity area density factor when divided by the area of the Hubble manifold, the numerical value of the reactionary force is unaffected. The essence of the impedance created by the amalgamation of space and time as an infinite plane, is coextensive with the extent of space.

A crude estimate of ‘s’ is obtained by dividing Hubble bare mass by Hubble surface area. That it must be exactly one kg/m^2, follows from the fact that the participation of the inertial reactance of the universe as a whole in determining local pseudo forces must satisfy Newton’s 2nd law, ergo the ‘s’ factor of the universe must be a unity parameter.

Answered by ayushjoshi0117


There are actually two factors. Inertia + expansion. There is only one way to calculate gravity from scratch.

Gravity is a pseudo force (the inertial reaction of a local mass to the spatial acceleration field created by expanding space. Here is the formula for Newton’s formalism when the geometry is simplified by considering a uniform density spherical body:

g = (M/A) x (a/s)

where M is the mass of the body, ‘g’ is the intensity of the gravitational field at surface of the spherical body, “a” is the local acceleration c^2/R for an exponentially expanding universe (the present state of the cosmos), and ‘c’ is the velocity of light.


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