Chemistry, asked by king8426, 1 year ago

write down the formation of born Haber cycle of cacl2
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Answered by slstratman1


The Born Haber cycle for the formation of calcium chloride from its constituent elements involves following steps.Ca (s) → Ca (g) ΔHa° (Ca) =178 kj/mol.Ca (g) → Ca+ (g) + e-Δ HIE°= 590 kj/mol. ...½ Cl2 (g) → Cl (g) ;Δ Ha°= ½Δ HCl-Cl°=121 kj/mol.Cl (g) + e- → Cl- (g) ;Δ Hea°= -364 kj/mol.Ca2+ (g) + 2Cl- (g) → CaCl2 (s)

Answered by shadowsabers03

The formation of \sf{CaCl_2} from molecules is given below.

\sf{Ca_{(s)}+Cl_2_{(g)}\longrightarrow CaCl_2_{(s)},\quad \Delta H_f\,\!^o}

The enthalpy change here is the standard enthalpy of formation.

And that of \sf{CaCl_2} from ions is given below.

\sf{Ca^{2+}\,\!\!\!_{(g)}+2Cl^-\,\!\!\!_{(g)}\longrightarrow CaCl_2_{(s)},\quad\Delta H_{l}}

The enthalpy change here is lattice enthalpy.

Here \sf{Ca_{(s)}} is converted to \sf{Ca^{2+}\,\!\!\!_{(g)}} during the formation from ions. This conversion is done in two successive steps.

1. Conversion of Calcium from solid state to gaseous state.

\sf{Ca_{(s)}\longrightarrow Ca_{(g)},\quad \Delta H_s}

The enthalpy change here is enthalpy of sublimation.

2. Conversion of Calcium into ions.

\sf{Ca_{(g)}\longrightarrow Ca^{2+}\,\!\!\!_{(g)},\quad\Delta H_{i}}

The enthalpy change here is the sum of first and second ionisation enthalpies, since two electrons are liberated.

And here \sf{Cl_2_{(g)}} is converted to \sf{2Cl^-\,\1\!\!_{(g)}} during the formation from ions. This is also done in two successive steps.

1. Conversion of Chlorine molecule into Chlorine atom.

\sf{Cl_2_{(g)}\longrightarrow 2Cl_{(g)},\quad\Delta H_b}

The enthalpy change here is the bond dissociation enthalpy.

2. Conversion of Chlorine into ions.

\sf{Cl_{(g)}\longrightarrow Cl^-\,\!\!\!_{(g)},\quad \Delta H_{e}}

The enthalpy change here is the electron gain enthalpy.

Since there are two chlorine atoms the electron gain enthalpy should be twice its standard value.

\sf{2Cl_{(g)}\longrightarrow 2Cl^-\,\!\!\!_{(g)},\quad 2\Delta H_{e}}

Hence the Born Haber Cycle for the formation of \sf{CaCl_2} is,

\setlength{\unitlength}{1mm}\begin{picture}(5,5)\put(0,0){$\sf{Ca_{(s)}}$}\multiput(15,0)(0,-57){2}{+}\put(26,0){$\sf{Cl_2_{(g)}}$}\put(45,1){\line(1,0){15}}\put(55,0){$\longrightarrow$}\put(49.4,3){\footnotesize\text{$\sf{\Delta H_f\,\!^o}$}}\put(75,0){$\sf{CaCl_2_{(g)}}$}\multiput(0,0)(0,-29){2}{\multiput(0,0)(27,0){2}{\put(3,-5){\line(0,-1){15}}\put(2,-21){$\downarrow$}}}\put(0,-29){$\sf{Ca_{(g)}}$}\put(26,-29){$\sf{2Cl_{(g)}}$}\put(-1,-57){$\sf{Ca^{2+}\,\!\!\!_{(g)}}$}\put(26,-57){$\sf{2Cl^-\,\!_{(g)}}$}\put(45,-57){\line(1,0){37}}\put(82,-57){\line(0,1){50}}\put(81,-8){$\uparrow$}\put(5,-13){\footnotesize\text{$\sf{\Delta H_s}$}}\put(5,-43){\footnotesize\text{$\sf{\Delta H_i}$}}\put(32,-13){\footnotesize\text{$\sf{\Delta H_b}$}}\put(32,-43){\footnotesize\text{$\sf{2\Delta H_e}$}}\put(85,-29){\footnotesize\text{$\sf{\Delta H_l}$}}\end{picture}

From this we get,

\longrightarrow\sf{\Delta H_f\,\!^o=\Delta H_s+\Delta H_i+\Delta H_b+2\Delta H_e+\Delta H_l}

Thus we can find out the lattice enthalpy from this if others are known.

\longrightarrow\sf{\Delta H_l=\Delta H_f\,\!\!^o-(\Delta H_s+\Delta H_i+\Delta H_b+2\Delta H_e)}

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