Write down the objectives of Physical Education.
help me to find it
The following are objectives of physical education: .
Physical development
(a) Proper growth and development
(b) Proper functioning of various systems of the body
© Development of skills through better neuromuscular coordination
(d) Development of strength and endurance.
Psychological development
(a) Development of healthy interests and attitudes
(b) Satisfaction and channelising of emotions
© Removing worry, tension, etc. through participation in sports.
Social development
(a) Developing qualities of sympathy and cooperation with others '(b) Becoming a worthy member of home and society.
Moral development
(a) Development of self-control
(b) Development of sportsmanship
© Developing leadership qualities
(d) Development of personality.
Improvement in knowledge
(a) Acquiring the knowledge of the rules of games, sports and exercise
(b) Understanding health problems and
their prevention
Objectives of Physical Education :
As discussed above, by now it may be clear to you that the
aim of physical education is not only physical development
but also to equip learners with knowledge, skills, capacities,
values, and the enthusiasm to maintain and carry on a healthy
lifestyle. It promotes physical fitness, develops motor skills
and the understanding of rules, concepts and strategies of
playing games and sports. Students learn to either work as
part of a team, or as individuals in a wide variety of competitive
activities. The main objectives of physical education are to:
• develop motor abilities like strength, speed, endurance,
coordination, flexibility, agility and balance, as they are
important aspects for good performance in different
games and sports.
• develop techniques and tactics involved in organised
physical activities, games and sports.
• acquire knowledge about human body as its functioning
is influenced by physical activities.
• understand the process of growth and development
as participation in physical activities has positive
relationship with it.
• develop socio-psychological aspects like control of
emotions, balanced behaviour, development of leadership
and followership qualities and team spirit through participation in games and sports.
• develop positive health related fitness habits which can be practised lifelong so as to prevent degenerative diseases.