write down your schedule from morning to night
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my shedule
- 7:30 am -woke up
- 8:40 am- reach to collage
- 1:10pm - lunch
- 4 :30 pm- return to home
- 4 :30 - 5:30 - fresh up and rest
- 5:30 to 9:00pm study
- 9:30 - dinner
- 10:00 - 11:00 -study
- after 11 go to sleep
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I am a navodayan so we wake up at 5 then morning exercise at 6 in morning we come back to hostel and take bath then at 6:45 we go to breakfast then classes at 1:30 lunch then rest upto 3 after this self study at 4:30 games at 6 we again go to self study at 7:30 dinner after it in hostel at 10 our sleeping time
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