Write each of the following in numeral form.
1.Hundred crores hundred thousands and hundred.
2.Twenty billion four hundred ninty seven million ninty six thousands four hundred
seventy two.
- 1000100100
- 20497096672
1. Therefore the representation of Hundred crores hundred thousand and hundred in the numerical value is 1,00,01,00,100.
2. Therefore the representation of Twenty billion four hundred ninety-seven million ninety-six thousand four hundred seventy-two in the numerical form is 20,497,096,672.
The representation of numbers in the words:
1. Hundred crores hundred thousand and hundred.
2. Twenty billion four hundred ninety-seven million ninety-six thousand four hundred seventy-two.
To Find:
The representation of the given words in numerical form.
The given question can be solved very easily as shown below.
The representation of words in the form of numerical values:
1. Hundred crores hundred thousand and hundred:
Indian Style:
One → 1
Ten →10
Hundred → 100
Thousand → 1,000
Ten thousand → 10,000
Lakh → 1,00,000
Ten lakh → 10,00,000
Crore → 1,00,00,000
Ten Crore → 10,00,00,000
Hundred Crore → 1,00,00,00,000
Hence, a Hundred crores hundred thousand and hundred = 1,00,01,00,100
Therefore the representation of Hundred crores of hundred thousand and hundred in the numerical value is 1,00,01,00,100.
2. Twenty billion four hundred ninety-seven million ninety-six thousand four hundred seventy-two:
American Style:
One → 1
Ten →10
Hundred → 100
Thousand → 1,000
Ten thousand → 10,000
Million → 1,000,000
Billion → 1,000,000,000
Hence, a Hundred crores hundred thousand and hundred = 20,497,096,672
Therefore the representation of Twenty billion four hundred ninety-seven million ninety-six thousand four hundred seventy-two in the numerical form is 20,497,096,672.
1. Therefore the representation of Hundred crores hundred thousand and hundred in the numerical value is 1,00,01,00,100.
2. Therefore the representation of Twenty billion four hundred ninety-seven million ninety-six thousand four hundred seventy-two in the numerical form is 20,497,096,672.