English, asked by rushita2912, 7 months ago

write eassy on communal harmony and national integration.... in English and Hindi both.. please. please​

d200876: or not
d200876: hi
divyanshu39822: hlo
d200876: can anyone here
d200876: tell fast
d200876: hlo
d200876: can anyone want to talksay hi
d200876: talk say hi


Answered by d200876


Essay in English - India is the only country in the world, has pioneer in culture diversity of religion, tradition, cast and creeds, assorted languages etc. If people live and think only for the sake of their respective religions, and seek to fulfill their selfish ends without keeping national interest in mind. Such mind-set of people would surely lead to the disintegration of the country.

This is the time (need of the hour), we all united together and fight the communal forces that are against the unity and integrity of our country.

India is vast country. It has been called a sub-continent. About 133.92 crore people live in it. The country is divided into number of states and union territories. Our society is further divided into a number of creeds, caste and sub-castes.


On National Integration – 150 Words

National unity is the feeling of togetherness among the citizens of the country. The idea of national integration has been constantly promoted since our independence. The leaders were well aware of the threats to this unity and consequently took the necessary measures to safeguard it in our Constitution.

This was ensured by implementing several ideals like Democracy, Secularism, and Social Equality. It is why the Constitution becomes one of the key forces behind the promotion of national integration.

The importance of ideals like national integration is of great value in developing countries like India. It can be a catalyst in removing the problems of the ancient Hindu conservative society. Political integration can also be achieved in the process, which would help the masses.

With time and the spread of education, this is no longer an impossible task to achieve. However, every individual should contribute their bit to the society to bring about this massive change.

Essay in Hindi - किसी भी देश के लोगों को यह कभी नहीं भूलना चाहिए कि देश रहेगा तभी तो उस राष्ट्र में धर्म, जाति, समाज और वर्ग का अस्तित्व भी रहेगा। एक मजबूत राष्ट्र के निर्माण के लिए राष्ट्रीय एकीकरण या लोगों के अंदर एकता की भावना होना बहुत जरूरी होता है।

भारत विश्व के अन्य सभी देशों से बहुत अलग है। भारत सभी तरीकों और स्तरों में विविधताओं वाला देश है। एक ऐसा देश जहां प्रकृति, लोग, संस्कृति, भाषाएं, धर्म, कई राज्य के अलग-अलग रंग देखने को मिलते हैं। भारत देश की भूमि पर कहीं मीलों तक मैदान हैं और कहीं घने जंगल, कही हरे-भरे खेत लहरा रहे हैं तो कहीं बर्फ की चादर में ढकी हुई पर्वत मालाएँ, कहीं घनघोर वर्षा है तो कहीं लंबे चौड़े रेगिस्तान।


hope it helps

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