English, asked by mitali81mp, 1 month ago

write essay a scene at railway station


Answered by Roseariya



Railway Station is the busiest place in this world today. It is also the noisiest. It hums with activity round the clock. Numerous trains arrive and depart every day. Many people do business at the railway station. There is confusion all over the place. Thousands of people go in and out of the railway station in any given hour.

On arriving at the railway station, one can see people and luggage all over the place. Some occupy the few benches that are there on the platform. Others sit on their suitcases, hold-alls or trunks. Some can be seen sleeping on the platform. Those who are hungry crowd around the refreshment stalls and can be seen eating and drinking. People who wish to move from one part of the platform to another in a hurry find it very difficult to negotiate through the thick crowd of people. There are many people standing in a queue in front of the drinking water taps.

There are many vendors on the platform. They sell a variety of things like food, tea, coffee, fruits, soft drinks, decorative items and fancy goods. They shout at the top of their voices to attract customers. There are many bookstalls in the railway station. Passengers who like to read come here and buy books to read on the train.

Many porters can be seen on the platform. They wear red coloured dresses. They carry the luggage of the people on their heads from one platform to another and from train to their vehicles outside the railway Station

Loudspeakers inside the railway station announce the arrival and the departure of trains. They inform the waiting passengers about the number of the platform on which the trains would come.

A part of the railway station consists of the booking offices. People queue up in front of the booking windows to buy tickets and to get the reservation done. There are also many information counters from where the information about the trains can be obtained

As the trains come on to the platform, there is a great hustle and bustle everywhere. People rush to get inside their compartments. They push and jostle each other. Many times small quarrels erupt between people. Things settle down when the train moves out of the platform. Friends and relatives wave their near and dear ones goodbye.

This scene repeats itself every time a train comes and goes. Life inside and outside the railway station is constantly on the move.

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