English, asked by tjfkroerhtntm, 2 months ago

Write essay on"Animals deserve to be treated better than they are by man" using all notes and give reasons for your point of view


→ Animals kept in zoo

→ wildlife under threat

→ your own idea

Please answer fast


Answered by ziyanashaikh6c


As we all are aware of the fact that most of the species are already endangered so need of the hour is to conserve them and zoos provide the perfect habitat for them. By bringing them into a safe environment, feeding them with proper food and with breeding process, a lot of species are saved.

Answered by thehighriser


The relationship between animals and humans is complex. Humans give shelter to animals from adverse environmental conditions and predators. In turn, animals give us various products like milk, cheese, leather, wool etc. But for the sake of greed, avarice and hunger, humans inflict atrocities on animals. Tigers are hunted for skin, elephants for ivory teeth and snow leopards for fur. Humans also deprive animals of their natural habitat. Due to this, many animals like tigers, lions, cheetahs are on the verge of extinction. For their protection, they were put in zoos away from their natural habitat. But the zoo is not a good substitute for their natural habitat because keeping the animals in a zoo is cruel. We also deprive them of their natural social structure and companionship. In India, the majority of farmers do not treat their cattle properly. The best way is to give them plenty of space and fresh grass to eat.  Animals are also a part of the food chain. Any imbalance in the food chain would lead to grave consequences and ultimately affect us. To conclude, we should treat animals better.


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