write essay on Role of youth Jammu and Kashmir
One of the greatest revolutions of Indian history is taking place right now under our nose, and this revolution is being engineered by the dynamic Indian youth. There is torrential flow of talent-call it knowledge power or by any other nomenclature offshore and onshore.
It is well proved that youth have very special role in any countries development. India has the largest youth population and if we look on the past youth plays a very important role in Indian freedom fights and right from then it was well recognized that the youth power is very essential in the development of India and to make our country a better place to live.
Kashmir is termed as the paradise on earth. This state has been the bone of contention between Pakistan and India for the past six decades. It is estimated that Kashmir's present population is about 1 crore. Those between the age group of 15 to 35 form more than 55 percent of the total population. For our purposes we count them all as the youth. These comprise students, employees, workers, farmers and persons from various professions including the unemployed—educated or otherwise. These young people constitute a large force. They are energetic, enthusiastic and full of zeal. Unfortunately a large number of them are without any direction It is for once and all, high time for India to take corrective measures for pipelining the youth of Kashmir into the nation building grid.