write essay on the topic : How can we improve NCC trg Word limit:500 words Language: English
Institutional training conducted at Colleges and Schools is the mainstay of NCC training and is conducted by Associate NCC Officers and Armed Forces personnel. The syllabus comprises Common Subjects and Service Subjects in the ratio 70:30. While the Senior Wing/Division training is for three years and has 300 periods the Junior Wing/Division training is for two years and encompasses 240 periods of training. The training year is from 01 Apr to 31 March. Training schedules planned for cadets ensure that the optimum benefits of the organisation reach maximum number of cadets. Emphasis is on practical training. Case study method of instruction, wherever possible, is made to facilitate active participation and better assimilation.
Institutional training includes basic military training to the cadets as part of the curriculum and prepares them to join the Armed Forces. It is conducted with the following specific purpose:-
Firstly, to expose young cadets to a `regimental way of life’ which is essential to inculcate in them the values of discipline, duty, punctuality, orderliness, smartness, respect for the authorities, correct work ethos, and self- confidence.
Secondly, to generate interest in cadets by including and laying emphasis on those aspects of Institutional Training which attract young cadets into the NCC and provides them an element of thrill and excitement.
Thirdly, to inculcate Defence Services work ethos that is characterised by hard work, sincerity of purpose, honesty, ideal of selfless service, dignity of labour, secular outlook, comradeship, spirit of adventure and sportsmanship.
2. Camp Training.
Camp training is the practical manifestation of institutional training. The basic aim of Camps is to introduce cadets to a regimented way of life and helps in developing camaraderie, team work, leadership qualities, self-confidence, self-reliance and dignity of labour in the cadets. The cadets are exposed to the excitement of camp life where they apply the theoretical knowledge that they had gained in Institutional Training. It is mandatory for Junior Division/ Junior Wing cadets to attend at least one camp and Senior Division/ Senior Wing cadets to attend a minimum of two camps during the period of their enrolment. NCC conducts over 1450 camps annually at an average frequency of more than 100 camps in a month. Each NCC Camp is structured for approximately 400 – 600 cadets with Instructional staff comprising three to four officers and 15-20 Associate NCC Officers (ANOs)/ Permanent Instructors (PI) Staff/ Whole Time Lady Officers (WTLOs)/ Girl Cadet Instructors (GCIs). More than 8 lakh cadets attend these camps each year. Republic Day camp is the acme of NCC training and is conducted in January every year. The various types of camps conducted by the NCC are as follows:-
Annual Training Camps/ Combined Annual Training Camps (ATC/CATC). These are held within the State under the aegis of respective NCC Directorates.
Centrally Organised Camps (COC). These camps are of all India nature and are planned by Headquarter DGNCC in consultation with State NCC Directorates which conduct them. Selected cadets, as per the vacancies allotted to each Directorate, participate in these camps. The following types of centrally organised camps are conducted: –
National Integration Camps (NIC)/ Special National Integration Camps (SNIC). National Integration Camps and Special National Integration Camps are conducted to make cadets understand and value the rich heritage of cultures that forge unity despite the diverse languages, traditions and religions of our country. These camps are conducted on an all India basis and help bridge the cultural gap among various states of India. 37 National Integration Camps are conducted every year. In addition, six Special NICs are conducted in the extremities of our country at Leh / Srinagar (J&K), Dimapur (North Eastern Region), Peddapuram (Kakinada), Badabagh (Jaisalmer), Lakshadweep and Port Blair