English, asked by jevanthika697, 10 months ago

Write Essay On
They Alone Live Who Live For Others


Answered by upenderjoshi28


    They Alone Live Who Live For Others

Ordinary people live for the self, but great people live for others. Only man can rise beyond petty interests and live for others. Rabindranath Tagore, the great Indian philosopher, poet and thinker has wisely said, “I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.” Living for others is the highest ideal emphasized by all great personages of all times. Be it Buddha, Jesus, Guru Nanak, Zoroaster, Yogananda, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, or any other great soul whom the world adores, all of them emphasized on living for others.      

In St. Mathew’s Gospel chapter 23 verse 11, Jesus teaches his disciples: “The greatest among you will be your servant.” However, the bitter truth is most of people live for their petty selves. They are busy accumulating wealth for the self; no one is ready to serve; all are impatient to be served. All the ills in the world exist because of everyone’s selfishness and greed. Wise people say the only difference between Heaven and Hell is living for others. In hell all people are selfish; however, in heaven everyone lives for others.  

Someone has very poetically said:

                                                     'It is in living for others, not the self

                                                      The heart finds its quest;

                                                       It is in giving, not in getting

                                                       Our lives are blest.'

Selfless service is the divinest sentiment humans can aspire. It is the only emotion that makes him a god. Selfless service is the quality of the angels. We can say people who have evolved to the highest level of existence, become selfless servants of mankind.

All great lovers of mankind lived for mankind unselfishly, and they also gave everything they had to make this world a better place. Mother Teresa, Florence Nightingale, Lincoln and many more who worked to preserve peace and lessen the pain and suffering of mankind in the world were selfless servants of mankind. And the world in return honored them with praise, awards, rewards, and recognition. Those who live for entire mankind truly, they are the most deserving role models of all round success. They become eternal in the memory of the mankind. The world remembers them because they by serving man somehow they serve God and they live forever in the coming generations’ hearts.

Answered by smartbrainz

Essay on 'They Alone Live Who Live For Others':

There is a popular saying that, Those alone live who live for others. This has been said because we as human beings are recognized by our deeds. It is good to be responsible for yourself and your loved ones but it is even better if we can extent this responsibility for the well being of our community and society as a whole. We all know that we are not going to live forever, so what we must try is to give a reason to somebody to celebrate our memories even when we are not around and this can only be done by good deeds . So even if we are no longer here, we will be alive in their memories and hence will be remembered.

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